While Brindavanites have moved on and excelled in their chosen paths in different parts of the world, they retain a fondness for their alma mater. Via this page, we aim to nurture professional, social, educational and philanthropic relationships for the benefit of the Brindavan Schools.
Peak to Peak
Brindavan is known to graduate individuals with confidence who carry themselves well in any situation and care for the people and environment around them. The Brindavan Bond - the fondness for the school (past and present) and the pleasant memories - exist in communities across the world.
The environment of freedom with responsibility and a passion for learning has resulted in graduates who have gone from peak to peak and succeeded in a wide variety of careers - athletes, architects, bureaucrats, politicians, scientists, business leaders and entrepreneurs. This space is dedicated to updates from the alumni community.
Get Involved
The Brindavan Schools are working on the following initiatives right now. We would appreciate and welcome any contributions from our alumni.
Raising corpus funds that would ensure the financial security of the schools.
COVID Fund: The pandemic has dealt a severe blow on the Brindavan community. While the schools have invested in the required infrastructure to support remote learning and the teachers and students have adapted wonderfully well, several parents have lost their livelihoods (both voluntary and involuntary). The schools are raising funds to cover the tuition fees of deserving students whose parents have been adversely affected by the ongoing pandemic.
Several infrastructure upgrades were put on hold as the schools struggled to stay cash flow neutral in 2020-21. Operating expenses went up, but Government mandated reduction in fees. Coonoor top ground sports complex, Athur outdoor auditorium and Kodaikanal lab upgradation are some of the projects on the anvil.
Homecoming: Alumni invited to participate in Founders Day celebrations. The day will include a career guidance session led by alumni, alumni versus student competition, lunch hosted by the management and variety entertainment by the students.
The Bhaktavatsalam Educational Trust is a charitable trust and all donations qualify for exemption under Section 80(G) of the Indian Income Tax Act. For more information, email
Sign up for the members only alumni directory. The schools will publish a half-yearly update of the directory and keep you informed on events / happenings.