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The Management of the Brindavan Schools strive to run the schools with the founder's vision - the pursuit of excellence, both curricular and co-curricular, in a child friendly environment, with students of all backgrounds drawn from the length and breadth of the country.

A Vamanan

President, Bhaktavatsalam Educational Trust

In the early stages, I was more a visitor to the Brindavan School, Coonoor, which was the first of the Brindavans. I sat in the audience and listened to the Founder, my father, express his hope that younger people would step forward to take the load off his shoulders in running not only the Brindavans but also the other Institutions he had founded under the umbrella of the Bhaktavatsalam Educational Trust. This call of his became more frequent and strident after the Founding Secretary, Sri Srinivasan Iyer, his pillar of strength, suffered a stroke. In late 1991, I decided to work under him for a few years.


Mayur Vamanan

Vice President, Bhaktavatsalam Educational Trust

I consider it an immense privilege to continue the good work of my late grandfather Sri O V Alagesan – a man who dedicated his entire adult life to the service of his fellow citizens and nation – via my association with the Bhaktavatsalam Educational Trust. Being a product of the traditional Indian education system and having been exposed to more progressive western systems, I have a fair understanding of the dichotomies between them. Suffice to say there is a lot we can learn from one and integrate into the other, both ways.


Urmila Vaidyanathan

Academic Director, Brindavan Schools

Education is an awakening; an awakening of body, mind and spirit. It is often a gradual evolution of these three aspects in the personality of students. Yet there are times when it happens like a flash of lightning. Our Founder, my father Sri O V Alagesan used to say “We talk of scientific discoveries. It happens suddenly at some point of time. But behind that flash of understanding lies years of laborious work". 

Shashikala Vamanan

The children at all the Brindavan schools are very fortunate and blessed to be studying in a healthy and naturally beautiful environment which helps them to focus on their future. Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States of America, said, ‘we cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future’. We at Brindavan, impart quality education to our children - curricular, co-curricular & extra-curricular - to make them well rounded personalities.


Correspondent, Brindavan Schools

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